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CLASS AmCult 363: AIDS and America

TERM Fall 2016

DESCRIPTION This essay discusses the role a federal program in Thailand, which requires prostitutes to use condoms with clients, has played in massively lowering HIV/AIDS rates, as well as the threat posed by the Thai government's current plan to outlaw prostitution

DESCRIPTION This essay evaluates the parallels between historical witchcraft persecutors, especially those from continental Europe, and the Dursley family in Harry Potter, while acknowledging that J.K. Rowling's historical analogy is not perfect due to the constraints of publishing

TERM Winter 2016

CLASS History 375: History of Witchcraft


Assessing thailand's 100% Condom Programme


Things that don't quite fit

I refer to these pieces as essays, because that sounds better than miscellaneous. But the truth is, some things are tough to categorize; these pieces fall somewhere outside of the other material I have included in this ePortfolio. Still, some similarities exist between these pieces; both are deeply grounded in research and emerged from classes I took at Michigan, but are also more conversational in tone than a typical academic piece. I imagine these as pieces that could appeal to a popular audience.

The Dursleys and Witchcraft Persectution

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