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One of the main points I hoped to illustrate in my article was just how frequently Hillary Clinton has been using motherhood in her presidential campaign.  I already knew about female abolitionists' use of motherhood, having written a paper on the topic, and I had archival documents to prove that point.  I did not, however, have the evidence to support my claim about Hillary Clinton.  In order to do get that evidence, I needed numbers—cold hard numbers, something that people would trust as being reasonable and accurate—and clips including examples of Clinton's rhetoric.


In order to accomplish both of these goals, I set my sights on Hillary Clinton's Youtube channel.  I watched every advertisement the Clinton campaign had released (up to the time I wrote my article, which was in October 2015) while keeping notes about the content of (and links to) videos salient to my argument.  I made sure to highlight or bold descriptions of videos that I thought were particularly powerful and that I would consider including in my final article.  I also kept a running tally of the number of videos in which Clinton mentions motherhood, in order to compile statistics I could use later. 


Here I've included the notes I took during my research process in order to give you a look at my observations, my methods, and the beginnings of my argument.


After you see how I think and research, make sure to check out how I write!

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